Thursday, August 22, 2024

I'm losing my mind

All day I've been having trouble focusing.  I've been reading and keep having to reread parts over and over before it sinks in.  I should just quit trying and try again tomorrow.  

I've had an audiobook on the Libby app on hold for weeks and just got a notification that it was available.  I started listening to it and right away I realized I'd already read that book.  I checked goodreads and I read it in April of this year!  I decided to listen to it again a little sped up since reading anything else isn't working for me today.  

Today's affirmation

I accept who I am without judgment.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Murder on Marble Row by Victoria Thompson

I enjoyed this book but parts of it were weird and I thought it could have been better.  Sarah's mother didn't seem like the same character from the previous books.  She started acting just like Sarah and I felt like Sarah's character was just copied for her.  I do realize they are mother and daughter so could be very similar but in all the other books she disapproved of all the things Sarah was doing.  Now, all of a sudden she is out running around in the seeder parts of town with her daughter and interrogating people.  It just seemed odd.  

I do like her helping her daughter though and loved the sneaky ways she helped too.  

I love the parts about Malloy's son and how he is improving.  I hope the relationship between him and Sarah will start to move a bit faster.  

I'm torn now about what to read next.  Should I read another book in this series or move on to something different?  I have so many books to read.  

Murder on Marble Row (Gaslight Mystery, #6)Murder on Marble Row by Victoria Thompson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story was very convoluted and hard to figure out, although I did guess the ending pretty early. I just didn't know how it would work out. What a messed up family! I kept thinking they could have gone on some crazy talk show if it were a different time. I could just see that family talking to Dr. Phil. I have to say it was weird how Sarah and her mother suddenly seemed like the same character in this book when they have always been very different. Suddenly, Mrs. Dekker is out running around brazenly interrogating people in the sketchier parts of town with Sarah. It was a weird shift. I know they are mother and daughter but suddenly they are acting like twins. I did like the ending after the conclusion of the mystery.

View all my reviews

Affirmation for today
My pain only has as much power as I allow it to have. So today, I am giving it no power.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Murder on Mulberry Bend (Gaslight Mystery) by Victoria Thompson

I just finished this book and I already want to read the next one.  I haven't been writing reviews on the books I've read lately since I haven't been feeling so hot.  I felt like writing one this time though.  I am really liking this series and I definitely recommend it.  I don't like to write a summary of the books when I post on since it is at the top of the page already.  You can just click the link below to read it and more reviews by others who have read it.  If you don't use goodreads you should check it out.  It is very useful.  You can use it different ways.  I use it to track all the books I read and I always make a yearly reading goal on there.  You can also just use it to look up books to read the summaries and reviews, see all the books in the series and see the recommendations for other books you might like.

I also use to keep track of my series books.  It lets you see which book is next in all the series you are following on one page.  It is very handy.  They are very responsive too if you can't find a series or if a book is missing.  You can just contact them and tell them what the problem is and they get it taken care of pretty quickly.  

Murder on Mulberry Bend (Gaslight Mystery, #5)Murder on Mulberry Bend by Victoria Thompson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love these books even though some of it makes me sad. It's horrible just thinking of children on the streets fending for themselves while also having to protect themselves from predators. I always want to read more into this time period and see how much of the details are true. I know it would be hard to read about. This story was a bit different and it seemed Sarah did more investigating. She went to some pretty sketchy places by herself and I couldn't decide if she was brave or crazy. The ending was not what I expected. Malloy was not just twiddling his thumbs though. He was looking into another case that involved Sarah and what he found out is very sad. I really hope there is a twist there and that it isn't really what it sounds like.

I want to gather up all the homeless boys and girls and give them love and whatever else they need.

View all my reviews

Affirmation for today: 

I Choose Happiness

Back for fall

I haven't been writing here since so much was going on that was difficult to write about online.  Some stuff is just too personal to post to the world.  

It feels like fall here now and it is very wet and soggy.  I do enjoy the fall colors but it is early for that.  I have only seen a little bit of the fall colors in the leaves but it definitely feels like summer is over.  We started out having some nice summer days and then the forest fires started.  The smoke really ruins a beautiful day.  When the rain started we really didn't mind because it damped down the fires and it wasn't so smoky.  It just rained too much.  I am not ready for summer to be over and really thought I'd be able to get so much more accomplished around the house and yard.  Oh well, there will be next year.  We've had a lot going on here.

About a week ago I noticed some water on the kitchen floor.  I wiped it up and the next day I noticed more water in the same place.  I wiped it up and watched it come right back in the cracks of my new LVP floor.  The dishwasher has been leaking.  It wasn't a lot of water so we put a big fan on it and it seems to be dried up now.  I replaced the gasket on my dishwasher and that did not fix it.  I can see where it is leaking on one side of the dishwasher door at the bottom.  I don't think it is worth trying to fix a 20 year old dishwasher.  We moved into this house when it was new in September 2004.  I have fixed it a few times throughout the years by replacing parts myself and I think we were pretty fortunate with that one.  I hope we can get another one that doesn't require a lot of costly repairs.  

I can tell you it is very stressful looking at what is available.  The prices are so much higher and it seems like things are made so cheaply.  I see reviewers saying machines they just bought a year or two ago have broken already.  Why do they cost so much when they just make them such low quality?  

We just had to buy a new washing machine a few months back.  Sigh...

Anyway, I am working on a crochet project right now.  It's mosaic crochet and I'm enjoying it.  I've been feeling bad lately so progress has been slow but I sure do love how it is turning out.  

I'm reading a book in a series I am really enjoying - The Gaslight Mystery series by Victoria Thompson.  I'm reading Murder on Mulberry Bend (book #5).  I'm glad I finally read past the first book in that series.  I read the first book twice before this year and planned to keep reading.  I had to read it again this year to refresh my memory.  I shouldn't need to read it again lol  

Monday, May 6, 2024

Cancer sucks so much

 A good friend just died.  I will really miss her.  My heart is crushed.  

Spring has not quite sprung yet

I haven't written a post since late January.  I haven't been feeling great so I decided to wait until I was feeling better.  I don't want to post a bunch of whining.  

It was looking like spring here but cloudy and grey out.  I've got some tomatoes growing inside and they are getting kind of big.  I don't do much gardening and this is the first time I've planted seeds that I didn't kill before they got 5 inches.  These are huge now.  I have transplanted these a couple times already and they are now it large pots.  I don't know where they will go outside yet.  I'm not sure if my husband will build me a raised bed or if I will put them in the ground.  I'm not sure if I should put them in the front yard or the back yard.  My dog goes out in the back yard and might tromp on them, pee on them or eat them.  There is more sun in the front since our house is south facing but I'm not sure where to put them.  I need to get that worked out soon.  

Of course,  it snowed today.  I woke up this morning and looked out to see everything was totally white.  Now I see it is melting on the roads and driveway some.  It is only 31 deg but I bet it will melt.  

I really want to get some things done around the house today so I better get moving.  


Monday, January 22, 2024

Vegas trip and now sick


I had a fun time in Vegas.  We saw some shows and did a little gambling.  Mostly my husband gambled and I fed a slot machine.  I met a lady from a book group I'm in and that was fun.  It's great to finally be able to meet someone.  It is harder to meet book friends since I live in Alaska and most people I talk to are from the lower 48.  We mostly just walked around and chatted.  

Now I am sick and just taking it easy for a while.  I hope this crud goes away quickly.  It's not real bad but my husband is sicker than I am.  I feel bad for him since he sounds miserable.  

I'm losing my mind

All day I've been having trouble focusing.  I've been reading and keep having to reread parts over and over before it sinks in.  I s...