Monday, May 6, 2024

Cancer sucks so much

 A good friend just died.  I will really miss her.  My heart is crushed.  

Spring has not quite sprung yet

I haven't written a post since late January.  I haven't been feeling great so I decided to wait until I wasn't feeling better.  I don't want to post a bunch of whining.  

It was looking like spring here but cloudy and grey out.  I've got some tomatoes growing inside and they are getting kind of big.  I don't do much gardening and this is the first time I've planted seeds that I didn't kill before they got 5 inches.  These are huge now.  I have transplanted these a couple times already and they are now it large pots.  I don't know where they will go outside yet.  I'm not sure if my husband will build me a raised bed or if I will put them in the ground.  I'm not sure if I should put them in the front yard or the back yard.  My dog goes out in the back yard and might tromp on them, pee on them or eat them.  There is more sun in the front since our house is south facing but I'm not sure where to put them.  I need to get that worked out soon.  

Of course,  it snowed today.  I woke up this morning and looked out to see everything was totally white.  Now I see it is melting on the roads and driveway some.  It is only 31 deg but I bet it will melt.  

I really want to get some things done around the house today so I better get moving.  


Monday, January 22, 2024

Vegas trip and now sick


I had a fun time in Vegas.  We saw some shows and did a little gambling.  Mostly my husband gambled and I fed a slot machine.  I met a lady from a book group I'm in and that was fun.  It's great to finally be able to meet someone.  It is harder to meet book friends since I live in Alaska and most people I talk to are from the lower 48.  We mostly just walked around and chatted.  

Now I am sick and just taking it easy for a while.  I hope this crud goes away quickly.  It's not real bad but my husband is sicker than I am.  I feel bad for him since he sounds miserable.  

Thursday, January 11, 2024

I got a new laptop

One of my sons gave me a nice laptop.  It has barely been used so they reset it and gave it to me.  It's bigger and nicer than the one I had before.  He helped me get it set up too.  My other son helped me get the printer connected to it so I could print.  I'm lucky to have 2 son's that help me when I need it.  

In a few days I'll be heading to Vegas for a vacation.  It should be fun.  It will be nice to go somewhere warmer than here.  It's -7 F here right now.  It will be really nice there compared to here and we will be able to walk on the ground instead of slipping around on snow and ice.  

Sunday, January 7, 2024

My computer is dying

My screen has been glitching a little across the top for a few weeks now.  Today it was the whole screen and it was hard to use it to do anything.  My dog did knock it off on the floor a few times when he started running around like crazy.  I know at least twice it hit the floor and one of those times it broke some plastic at one corner.  I wouldn't be surprised it something inside got jarred loose.  My son is going to open it up and see if he can fix it.  I sure hope so.  


No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal.

Marilyn Ferguson

Quote from Tuesdays with Morrie

The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

Mitch Albom

Cancer sucks so much

 A good friend just died.  I will really miss her.  My heart is crushed.